Happy Tasha Tudor day my friends!!
Welcome to the 4th year celebrating Tasha Tudor, her life and her work. I am thrilled that each year TT day seems to grow. More and more people who are inspired by Tasha, stop and think of her on her birthday. It is funny as time goes on, I find Tasha inspires me more and more. She has also opened up a whole world of friends to me, some who I have actually met!!! Kindred spirits who I never would have met if it were not for Tasha. I find that Tasha lovers are not cookie cutter, shawl wearing, corgi owner, gardeners but unique individuals. Some may love gardening, some may love corgis, some may own a shawl but I think the thread that runs through all of us is the love and appreciation of, a simple life made by ones own hands. This is what I think Tasha's legacy is and why she is still so relevant to many people!!!
As I mentioned I have made some dear friends because of Tasha. When we (by the way, we call ourselves Tashette's. That is thanks to one of the ladie's husband. Thank you Jim!) get together boy do we have fun. Laughter abounds, and creativity too. We like to share what we have been up to and create something together. Using our hands and talents bonds us.
This libation was created with Tasha in mind and hopefully something the Tashette's will love!! Now, I have it on good authority that Tasha was a teetotaler but I would like to think she would enjoy my A is for Annabelle Apricot Aperitif, or at lest enjoy it without the homemade apricot liquor ;-) This aperitif symbolizes Tasha to me because it has three important elements:
1, Tea. I cannot have tea without thinking of Tasha. So I wanted my creation to be tea based.
2, Handmade. The alcohol for this drink is homemade apricot brandy. It is simple to make and would make a wonderful Christmas gift.
3, Garden. I wanted to include an herb because Tasha's garden meant so much to her. I have always loved her topiary bay tree. I have a bay tree myself and am slowly training it to look like Tasha's . Making a bay simple syrup to sweeten this apertif is a perfect touch.
So I lift a glass with my Tasha friends. Here is to Tasha!! Thank you for your inspiring, independent spirit!! Also please stop by Tasha's family blog and say hello xox
A is for Annabelle Apricot Aperitif
1 chilled cup of tea, although this can be made hot. Any tea will do. I happen to have a black apricot tea blend from Eastern Shores I love.
homemade apricot liqueur *
bay simple syrup **
I like this tea served over ice. As far as amounts, it is up to your liking. Add some simple syrup and liquer to the tea, taste and adjust. Enjoy!!!!
* Homemade apricot liquer
4 cups of brady
1/2 cup of dried apricots, cut into forths
1/4 sugar, I am making this slighly sweet becuase the aperitif is already sweet but if you want it sweeter just add more sugar.
Put all ingreadnts in a blender and blend for 30 seconds or so. Just to chop up the apricots but it does NOT have to be finely chopped. Pour ingrednds in a glass jars and set in a dark cuboard. Shake well once a week. Should be ready in about three months. But give a taste now and then, when you like it strain out the apricots (save them for muffins or tea cake) and store liquid in a dark, cool place.
** Bay simple syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
3 fresh bay leaves (if you can please do use freash bay leaves, it is so much better but you can use dried bay leaves also)
Put all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer for 5 minutes. Pull off heat, cover and let sit 30 minutes. Pull out leaves, pour syrup in container and keep in fridge. Should keep for a month.
PS. I have to share this wonderful Tasha shawl Lynda had made with this lovely UK yarn. Her friend Claudia Flores knitted for her. Just beauitful ladies, thank you for sharing with us. I am sure you will treasure your shawl always Lynda!!