16 posts categorized "Tasha Tudor Day" Feed

Important Tasha Tudor Day News


    Good day fellow Tasha fans. In light of the fact that Tasha Tudor's family has their own blog, I have decided to hand Tasha Tudor day over to them, so to speak. I will continue to honor Tasha every year in my own life and with my family but not on my blog. The reason I am posting about this is to ask you if you have my button on your blog would you mind removing it and linki Rookery Ramblings instead for Tasha Tudor day. Really the family should be.directing this. I love that every year we all take a moment, stop and think about Tasha. Think about how she has inspired us to live life more simply but fuller. Tasha affects my day to day life in a real way and I am very thankful for this.

Also a reminder Tasha Tudor day is one month from now, August 28. I think my girls and I will have tea out in the garden. Maybe read Becky's Birthday xox

Tasha Tudor Reminder


   Good day, just a reminder Tasha Tudor day is a month from now. It does not have to be a big, complicated celebration but I know I do not want to day to sneak up on me without having some forethought on how I want to remember Tasha this year. Please help spread the word, (feel free to the use the image) so those who love Tasha can remember her too. Thank you!

Happy Tasha Tudor day!!

A ana edit 2

Happy Tasha Tudor day my friends!!

     Welcome to the 4th year celebrating Tasha Tudor, her life and her work. I am thrilled that each year TT day seems to grow. More and more people who are inspired by Tasha, stop and think of her on her birthday. It is funny as time goes on, I find Tasha inspires me more and more. She has also opened up a whole world of friends to me, some who I have actually met!!! Kindred spirits who I never would have met if it were not for Tasha. I find that Tasha lovers are not cookie cutter, shawl wearing, corgi owner, gardeners but unique individuals. Some may love gardening, some may love corgis, some may own a shawl but I think the thread that runs through all of us is the love and appreciation of, a simple life made by ones own hands. This is what I think Tasha's legacy is and why she is still so relevant to many people!!!

     As I mentioned I have made some dear friends because of Tasha. When we (by the way, we call ourselves Tashette's. That is thanks to one of the ladie's husband. Thank you Jim!) get together boy do we have fun. Laughter abounds, and creativity too. We like to share what we have been up to and create something together. Using our hands and talents bonds us.

     This libation was created with Tasha in mind and hopefully something the Tashette's will love!! Now, I have it on good authority that Tasha was a teetotaler but I would like to think she would enjoy my A is for Annabelle Apricot Aperitif, or at lest enjoy it without the homemade apricot liquor ;-) This aperitif symbolizes Tasha to me because it has three important elements:

1, Tea. I cannot have tea without thinking of Tasha. So I wanted my creation to be tea based.

2, Handmade. The alcohol for this drink is homemade apricot brandy. It is simple to make and would make a wonderful Christmas gift.

3, Garden. I wanted to include an herb because Tasha's garden meant so much to her. I have always loved her topiary bay tree. I have a bay tree myself and am slowly training it to look like Tasha's . Making a bay simple syrup to sweeten this apertif is a perfect touch.

So I lift a glass with my Tasha friends. Here is to Tasha!! Thank you for your inspiring, independent spirit!! Also please stop by Tasha's family blog and say hello xox


Choe aaa


A is for Annabelle Apricot Aperitif

1 chilled cup of tea, although this can be made hot. Any tea will do. I happen to have a black apricot tea blend from Eastern Shores I love.

homemade apricot liqueur *

bay simple syrup **

I like this tea served over ice. As far as amounts, it is up to your liking. Add some simple syrup and liquer to the tea, taste and adjust. Enjoy!!!!


* Homemade apricot liquer

4 cups of brady

1/2 cup of dried apricots, cut into forths

1/4 sugar, I am making this slighly sweet becuase the aperitif is already sweet but if you want it sweeter just add more sugar.

Put all ingreadnts in a blender and blend for 30 seconds or so. Just to chop up the apricots but it does NOT have to be finely chopped. Pour ingrednds in a glass jars and set in a dark cuboard. Shake well once a week. Should be ready in about three months. But give a taste now and then, when you like it strain out the apricots (save them for muffins or tea cake) and store liquid in a dark, cool place.


** Bay simple syrup

1 cup sugar

1 cup water

3 fresh bay leaves (if you can please do use freash bay leaves, it is so much better but you can use dried bay leaves also)

Put all ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer for 5 minutes. Pull off heat, cover and let sit 30 minutes. Pull out leaves, pour syrup in container and keep in fridge. Should keep for a month.


T shawl

PS. I have to share this wonderful Tasha shawl Lynda had made with this lovely UK yarn. Her friend Claudia Flores knitted for her. Just beauitful ladies, thank you for sharing with us. I am sure you will treasure your shawl always Lynda!!

TLynda shawl


Tasha Tudor


Hey, hey, just a reminder that Tasha Tudor day is in a month!!! I have a yummy idea to share. As I ask every year, please help me get the word out. Post on your blog, FB wall, tweet and tell your friends. Feel free to use this image if you want. My hope is each year more and more Tasha lovers find out about Tasha Tudor day. Thank you xox


Also I am thrilled to announce the pilot chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society. I think this is a brilliant idea for people like me who live so far away and may never get to visit the museum. Also a fun way to meet other Tasha lovers. I hope this idea takes off and more chapters open. Here is the press release, also where you can purchase tickets.

Pilot Chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society

for the greater Pennsylvania area


The Tasha Tudor Museum of Brattleboro, Vermont, is pleased to announce the launch of a pilot regional chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society. You are invited to attend its opening tea party and enjoy refreshments from Tasha Tudor’s Cookbook while sharing your enthusiasm for Tasha Tudor.  Those interested will also discuss forming a Pennsylvania chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society in order to celebrate and promote Tasha’s life, work and lifestyle.   


Your hostess, Museum volunteer Peggy Yoder, has been a Tasha Tudor aficionado for over 38 years.  A mother, grandmother and retired educator, Peggy invites you into her home for love of all things Tasha. 


Soon after Tasha passed away in 2008 at the age of 92, Tudor fans launched an online celebration to take place on Tasha’s birthday, August 28th.  The blogger behind this movement, Clarice of Storybook Woods, says “Really I would love it if the whole world would stop and remember her. This could simply be sitting in your garden with a cup of tea, reading her books, doing a sketch or just stopping to smell the roses. On Tasha Tudor’s birthday, let us all remember her and how she has inspired us to live.”


Tickets $5 

Seating is limited; please purchase your tickets online by August 21. 


What: Meeting of the Pilot Chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society
When: Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 2 pm
Where: 8467 William Penn Highway (Rte. 22), Huntingdon, PA 16652 (30 miles south of State College, PA)  Be sure to note that Huntingdon Valley is another, separate town in Pennsylvania. This event is being held in Huntingdon, not Huntingdon Valley.

Who: Sponsored by the Tasha Tudor Museum of Brattleboro, Vermont

Why: For love of Tasha Tudor


For more information please call the Museum 802-258-6564 or Peggy at 814-599-9910

Happy Tasha Tudor Day!!!

Tasha Glam 

Happy Tasha Tudor day!! 

Do you realize this is the fourth year we have celebrated Tasha Tudor? I have to say she is just as relevant and influencing in my life, as ever. Especially when life is challenging (like it is right now) I think of Tasha, her inner strength and joy and it helps me.

One area Tasha has influenced me is how I dress. I call it Tasha Glam. I am not sure if Tasha would like that term ;-) but it works for this CA girl. When I am home and need to clean, bake, garden,etc. I always seem to put on my "Tasha glam". It helps put me in the mood. As I was composing this post, I thought what constitutes the Tasha look to me?

So here is my list:




Fingerless gloves

flowers in your hair

Good work boots or barefoot


Work basket or watering can

Layered skirts and petticoats

Pretty brooch or pendent

Calico, linen and woven plaids

When I tie my pinny over my layered skirts, pin my wool shawl, slide on my fingerless gloves and step into my wool lined boots, I think of Tasha and I am ready to make a home!!


I, my co-host Suzanne and Tasha's family would love to hear how Tasha is inspiring you. Also if you posted about Tasha, please let us know. Suzanne is having a give-away and a link up. Also check out Living Craft blog. Pardis was kind enough to invite me to write a post about Tasha Tudor day. Heather at Heather Spriggs was also kind enough to do a post. Thank you Pardis and Heather for helping to get the word out about Tasha Tudor day xoxo


center, Tasha herself. Picture 1, Picture 2, Picture 3, Picture 4, Picture 5, Picture 7, Picture 8, Picture 10, Picture 11, Picture 12.

Tasha Tudor Day 2010

TTday 11111

Happy Tasha Tudor Day!!!

I am quite excited, this is a very special year. Tasha's family is celebrating with us and is having a giveaway at thier blog, Rookery Rambling. I  get lots of e-mails asking if Tasha's family knows about TT day. I know it is important to all of you (and me) that they know how much we admire and love Tasha. So, now, I can say YES!!

Also Cathy at The Christmas Corgi has an interview with Marjorie Tudor.

Please leave a comment with my co-hostess Suzanne or me about your Tasha Tudor day and why you love her.

TT pinnnnn

We had our TT day, last Sunday because my girls are off in the city today. I wanted to do a Tasha inspired craft but the girls wanted to sketch (where do they get these independent ideas from???  :-) So they made sketches from their favorite Tasha books and I made a Tasha inspired pin.

Tasha Tudor Pin

I simply cut an 6"x1 3/4" piece of wool fabric (but you can cut it any size you like), folded the fabric in half and sewed the two ends together.

I flattened the circle of fabric with the sewed edge in the center at the back of the pin. I also pulled some threads off the edges of the fabric.

Using heavy coat thread, I started gathering the center of the fabric. I would gather a bit, knot it off and keep repeating, until I was happy with the gathering. I tried to gather the front piece more than the back.

I attached a key at the bottom of the bow, using a loose loop of thread. Added an old button and a smaller bow to the center with fabric glue (or you can sew it on).  I sewed a pin-back on the back of the pin and WaaLaa, a Tasha Tudor inspired pin. I think these would be pretty pinned on a package, as a little extra gift.

A TT Auberne`

C TT Chloe

We also had a delish tea. I made Tasha's Toffee bars but I made them with whole wheat pastry flour, rapadurah (unrefined sugar that has a strong molasses flavor), bittersweet chocolate and toasted hazelnuts. They were to die for.

Whenever the girls and I chat about Tasha, we seem to have the same conversation. What we admire about her the most is the way she followed her heart. It was hard work and took a lot of focus. But she lived she version of happiness, something we all need to strive for xoxo
Tt day 33333 

Tasha Tudor Day, 2009

Tasha tudor day 44

Happy Tasha Tudor day !!!!

There are so many reasons my girls and I admire Tasha Tudor. Thinking of this post and what I wanted to share that about Tasha, I thought of a discussion a while back. I am on a Tasha Tudor list and we were discussing the lost arts. People were bring up handy crafts like spinning, making candles, baking from scratch and how Tasha represent the lost arts. But to me it wasn’t so much about a specific craft, as more a mind set.

I confess, I am glue-gun girl (but I am slowly changing, thank goodness). I tend to be instant gratification. I pick some craft, spend a lot of time planning and shopping but tend to hurry through the process and then move onto something new. I do not push myself, I only put a portion on myself into something. I do not become a master of it. But I want to be, I am learn to be. Realizing this, I realize Tasha embodies mastering, patience, heart  and encourages me in these areas. I mean it takes a lot to grow flax, beat it, make it into thread, spin it, dye it , weave it, before you even go about sewing something. What ever garment she made, she knew intimately, she put her heart and soul into it. I doubt she ever took it for granted. I want to be like that in all I do. To be present, to be grateful, to be better for it. To me this is the lost art that Tasha so genuinely represents.

I also wanted to share my Tasha print from the talented Marjorie at Cozey Little Whimsy Nook . I treasure this print not only because it is soo beautiful but it will always remind me of Tasha Tudor day and what a wonderful tradition this now is in our family.


We had our Tasha Day on Sunday and it was lovely. We canned red sauce, picked blackberries in our garden, made ginger pennies for our tea, watched Take Joy and made sketches’ out of Tasha’s books, which you can see at Heartfelt Thoughts. I think mostly we tried to stop, be present and enjoy. I hope the same for you today, even if it is for a few minutes. Please feel free to share what Tasha means to you, if you did  a blog post, anything big or small. I would love to hear what you did to celebrate Tasha and I know everyone else would  xoxoxo

PS. A big thank you to sooo many who posted about TT day and helped me get the word out. I hope each year more and more who love Tasha will hear about Tasha Tudor day.

Tasha Tudor Day

Thasha tudor day

I wanted to post and let everyone know that Tasha Tudor day coming up, August 28th. I am trying to get the word out, I would love to see this tradition spread. Tasha was such an inspiration to so many and in this day and age of trying to be more creative, frugal and self sufficient, I think she is even more inspiring. I invite anyone to come and share on TT day what they did, what they admire about Tasha Tudor, a post, maybe a favorite book, anything. Feel free to use the image or button.

I hope those readers who live in my neck of the woods are doing okay. It was a record breaking day on Wensday. The hottest day ever recorded, 103. Many do not have air-conditioning and really suffered. I am pretty cranky but are doing okay xoxox

Thasha tudor da

Let Us Remember

Tasha t day

   "Her Greatest Legacy was the enthusiasm for life"

                            Winslow Tudor

This is what Tasha's legacy is for me, what I strive for, what I have taught my girls. May we all have her enthusiasm for life a nd the bravery to persue it as Tasha did.

I want to thank everyone for the wonderful, enthusiastic :-) response to Tasha Tudor Day. It is obvious she is loved and will be missed. Also thank you Cay and Suzanne for your help with Tasha Tudor day. Please leave a comment at one of our blogs about your Tasha Tudor day,  I know we would all love to hear about it  xoxoxoxxo

Tasha Tudor Reminder


Hello I just wanted to post a reminder of Tasha Tudor day on August 28th. I have had several readers write me and say they would love to see what others are doing. So I will post a Tasha post at midnight on the 28th. If you post about your Tasha Tudor day, just leave a comment on my post or Suzanne or Cays blog and everyone can come visit you.

By the way Cay is having a Author Fiesta with lots of Tasha Tudor links. Also Pink Gate is having a Tasha Tudor give away. Good luck xoxoxox

Help Spread The Word

T T day adress

Hello everyone, 

I have heard from so many of you readers that on Tasha Tudor's birthday, you were going to celebrate what a special place she has in all our hearts. So  Cay, Suzanne and I thought it would be lovely if blog-land celebrated Tasha. Really I would love if the whole world would stop and remember her. This could simply be sitting in your garden with a cup of tea, reading her books, doing a sketch or just stopping and smell the roses. Let us all on Tasha Tudor's birthday remember her and all she has inspired us to live. If you want to post about Tasha Tudor day, feel free to use the image (but you do not have to). Just click on the image and save in your pictures. I also made a small version below for your sidebar. Even if you do not have a blog, please help spread the word  xoxoxox

T T day small

Tasha Tudor Day

Tasha tea 101 

I have to sayTasha Tudor has been on my mind all week. Mostly because she makes me think about what I want my life to be like and am I living that?  Am I letting what other's think dissuade me or letting fears get in my way? The girls and I decided we should have a Tasha Tudor day and remember all we love about her. 

Tasha sketches 101 

First we put on dresses (no female goes to Tasha's house in pants) and dug out all our books (23 of them). We set them all out. It was really amazing to see them all together. By the way the picture below is not all the books I own. We decided each to pick a book and do a sketch out of it. We invited my mother over for afternoon tea and watched Take Joy. If you have never watched this movie about Tasha, it is a great way to get to know her and it is very fascinating (I know my library has a copy). I was struck by how happy she was. She had no grips about getting older. She called it an adventure and was enjoying every minute. 


We baked Tasha chocolate cookies for the tea. Also planned to do some gardening and knitting but just did not have the time. It was such fun and we have decided to make this a yearly tradition. Although I think we will do it in the fall or winter in the future. Then we can use candles. If you want to do a Tasha day, here are some of her recipes to encourage you. Tasha love tea, homemade goodies, gardening, books, handcraft, knitting and so much more. Even if you just sat under a tree and enjoyed the silence, it would be very Tasha Tudor xoxoxo