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10 year anniversary


It is my 10-year anniversary of reversing my pre-diabetes and losing 100 pounds. When I started this path I thought my food writing career was over. I was very depressed and overwhelmed but I found a new way to live and enjoy food. I have learned a few things over the years but first I want to address how much weight I loss because you will see I have mentioned different weights over the years. This is because I had not weighed myself in a long time and then I didn't even start to weighing myself until a year after I started this journey. Honestly I don't think I wanted to admit to myself how much weight I had gained, however because of several factors I now think I have loss around 100 pounds (my husband thinks it's more). Really the number doesn't matter. It is only a tool to let me know how my health is doing.       


So what have I learned in 10 years? Basically, all the choices I made that first 6 months I will need to keep making the rest of my life. Even though I am not pre-diabetic anymore, I will always be insulin sensitive. My body always wants to go right back to where I was when I started this journey. It is sad I can't eat carbs (only small treats now and then). All the things I have shared over the years are still true for me. This is what I have learned but let me say, just because this works for me doesn't mean it will work for you.    

1: Sleep is the most important thing you can do for your health.  

2: Eat a very low-carb diet. 70% low-carb veggies, 10% protein, 10% healthy fats, 10% extras. No potatoes, bread, pasta, brown rice, ect.  

3: Drink lots of water. If you can stand a bit of raw apple cider vinegar in your water all the better.   

4: Plan your treats. Don't give into last minute craving. Also eat extra good the day before and after you have a treat. I have one treat a week. 

5: Exercise is important to support your health but you can NOT exercise your way out of an unhealthy diet. So make your diet your priority. 

6: Your weight is only a tool to help you get healthy, not the goal. Too much focus on weight can actually undermine your health.  


If you read my Bloom posts  I talk all about my journey. I will take a moment to pat myself on the back because really I am a lazy person with no follow through but I have worked so hard these past 10 years. I will NOT go back to that girl I was before! I know now that saying no to my cravings won't kill me. I know now feeling healthy is so much more satisfying than a doughnut. I know now I am much stronger than I thought I was and that is priceless xox