Winter Little Things, day 31
January 31, 2016
Well this is the last Hygee post. I had fun with this and it did inspire me to enjoy my days more, even though they are cold and grey. I was reminded to stop, enjoy, be grateful and embrace the life God has given me. On that note I am going to leave you with this last little thing, breathe.
It is such a small, simple thing we do without even thinking about it, but it is something that we also do not use enough. I mean we all breath, but slow, deep, thoughtful breathing can change your health, your mindset, your life. I have been learning about this 4-7-8 breathing technique. Here is a good video by Dr. Andrew Weil. Take the time to stop, appreciate, deep breathe and be thankful xox
Image from
My word for this year. Breathe out the darkness, Breathe in the light.
Posted by: Marilyn | February 09, 2016 at 02:12 PM
Hi Clarice,
I am a firm believer in slow, deep, thoughtful breathes, Clarice. As you say, it's just one of those things we take for granted but really should think about once in a while:) I'll be checking out that technique:)
Thank you so much for sharing...
Posted by: Louise | January 31, 2016 at 07:12 PM