Radiant Orchid
Sail Away Cottage

Daphne's Diary


    I was at Barns&Noble, perusing through the magazines. I was looking for a little mini-vacation. That is why I like magazines, for half hour they take to a different place and time. One hopefully less hectic than the life is right now.


    Well one magazine stuck out to me. It was different from all the others. Daphne's Dairy is sweet, old fashioned and is filled with all things that make a home a home.


    I was immediately besotted and that rarely happens to me, so of course I must share with all of you. There are crafts, recipes, beautiful homes and stores, travel, dolls, free cards but my favorite is the dairy entries about her life, her family.



    She has an English FB page. Also several videos that will give you an idea of what Daphine's Diary is all about. This is a Dutch magazine but I bought an English/UK edition. I hope you can find a copy. I did see that Amazon was selling some copies. Enjoy!!

Also a reminder my Egg book is free and perfect inspiration for this time of year.



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Very nice! Your blog is a wonderful mini escape as well. A place to take a deep breath of what is lovely.

Love your egg book too!


First time on your blog
I totally agree, books take you to another world.. and I enjoy interior magazines for the sheer joy looking at homes and being there with them.
I had seen this magazine on a vlog and loved it.. hope I could find it in India but I dont think so.. would love to go through it.. Pls do the projects in the magazine and post about them.


Yes, a good magazine is definitely like an mini-vacation. Thanks for the recommendation. I will be looking for Daphne at my Barnes and Nobles.


I love discovering new magazines Clarice especially from different places. I just can't seem to find the time to really enjoy them these days though. That one sure does sound like it is worth looking into. Thank you so much for sharing your find with us Clarice...


Thank you so much fir Your kind words. Have a Nice day. Love Daphne.


Oh my goodness, it looks wonderful! I will have to get one! Did they have more copies at B & N?

Tracy A.

Sounds delightful! I have always loved magazines, but particularly years ago as a young mother. Shorter articles coincided with my shorter free-time. I still love them today though.


How beautiful!! Can't wait to have a look. Thanks for the recommendation! (I always trust your taste!)


I saw an earlier issue (in English) and thought it might be something I liked. But I didn't buy it. Glad to hear you like it, perhaps I'll look again. Buying magazines these days is a bit of a treat.

Brenda Nuland

I don't purchase magazines like I once did, just the occasional Victoria or Tea Time.

But I do save up for when one of my favorites has an issue I want to come home with me. For instance, I love quarterly magazines like Where Women Cook and while it is $14.99, it is well worth the money.

I consider it an inexpensive vacation, too. And they get perused over and over again.

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