Simple Cream Tomato Soup
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Paper Frame


    When I was visiting my father, we went to old town San Diego. Many of the buildings have been turned into small museums. It is the kind of place where you could picture it 150 years ago. Mine kind of place. I loved it. My father gifted me with these framed butterflies.


    Something I will always treasure. I had a hard time picking a spot, for you want a place that will get no sunlight or the butterflies will fad. I finally found a spot but it felt a bit bare. I remembered these paper frames and thought they would be perfect.


    I used roofing paper. It is my favorite paper for crafting and I keep a roll in my basement. That, a ruler and sharpie was all I used. The hardest part (which was not that hard) was the measuring of the paper. I attached the paper to the wall with little bits of tacky wax. Simple, simple but I love it.


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Hi Clarice!
Old town San Diego is one of my favorite places to visit. I haven't been there in years!

What a cherished gift your Father has given you; Butterfly wishes:) You have found the perfect way to display them and your creativity shines! Roofing paper? Amazing! Thank you so much for sharing, Clarice...


Smart, thrifty, and beautiful. I like.


This is so pretty! You are the most amazing, creative person! Nice!


What a lovely gift from your father. A real treasure! Love the paper frame idea too, haven't seen that before.

Tierney Barden

Beautiful...and roofing paper, no less. You work magic, Clarice. A treasured memento, for sure.

Account Deleted

What a wonderful idea Clarice, I love it too!


Love it. It has an antique look and feel. You did a great job. The butterflies are beautiful.


Roofing paper? I had no idea! That's very clever!

Tracy A.

What fun! The frame is just perfect!


It's lovely Clarice. Rustic and charming.

By the way, your blog shows up as normal on my screen.


Very lovely... The gift... The story behind it... The frame you made...

And did you know that your blog is showing up, very, very, very wide? It makes it difficult to read, all of it. And I could not comment a minute ago, so am trying again.

Wondering if the size of your blog, has anything to do with the trouble of getting my comment to publish? Even after doing the "Numbers To Be Able To Comments"...



Very lovely... The gift... The story behind it... The frame you made...


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