Christmas Kitchen
Merry Christmas

Oh No ... Sick


    I just popped in to say I am sick, really sick. I was dieing about this time yesterday. Hopefully I am done and will have my strength back by Christmas. Also hopefully my girls do not get this (it was really bad). Anyways I will be back after Christmas, I still have lots to share. Enjoy a Christmas chocolate for me xox



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Sharon D.

I am sorry that you aren't well Clarice and pray that you are doing better now and that the rest of the family does not come down with anything.

Have a Blessed Christmas!


Account Deleted

Oh Dear Clarice, I'm so sorry to hear that you've been feeling so sick. I hope that everyone else is well, and that your Christmas Day will still be a happy one.

Take good care.

Merry Christmas to you and to yours!


Hope you are feeling better by now and the girls didn't get sick.


Dec. 22nd

Stopping by, to hope you are feeling better, each day. And if you are, conserve your energy, to enjoy you Family Christmas.

Gentle hugs,
"Here there be musing" blog

Tracy A.

Dear Clarice! Get well!


Merry Christmas, Clarice. Take care of yourself.


Poor dear you! I do hope you are better in time for Christmas. Time for lavendar tea perhaps? Love Gill.


Oh I am so sorry!!!! Rest. Stay hydrated. Get all better.

Lots and lots of gentle hugs,
"Here there be musing" blog

Brenda Nuland

I have so many friends who are sick right now. And they all live in different parts of the country.

Which make me wonder if germs can be transmitted over the Internet.

Just in case, I will leave quickly and I'll be keeping you in prayer!


Oh no, hope you are feeling better soon.
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!


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