New Dining Table
August 25, 2013
It pays to wait, that is my motto. I have been wanting a round pedestal table for a long time. I thought it would fit the space better and I was right. I have been watching craigslist for almost 2 years, for you see I am tenacious! I set a price, a low price and wait. That is what I did for my beautiful antique tufted back sofa. I got it for $100, after waiting for a long time. She start off at $300 and slowly brought the price down. Interestingly enough, right after I called, she got flooded with calls.
Well this dining room table was the same thing. They started out at $200 and slowly dropped. I think the reasons both of these items did not sell is because they had horrible pictures, you could barely see the item. Well is pays to wait, when this table finally hit $20.00, yes, twenty dollars, I thought I could do that. It is not perfect, a little small. It does have two leaves but they are small too. The top is a bit dinged up. I may paint it white but actually I am loving it right now the way it is. I love the caster feet!!
I am still going to keep my eye out for a bigger pedestal table but for $20.00, I will have no problem reselling. So the motto of my story, is wait for what you really want, do not settle, do not pay too much. Just wait!!!
Great score, Clarice! I've always been a sucker for pedestal tables, and you've got a beauty. I'm sure that table will bear witness to many fantastic conversations and fine meals. ;)
Posted by: Tierney Barden | August 27, 2013 at 06:46 AM
Dear Clarice,
What a great find! I love the fit in your corner with the big window (lucky girl!).
Posted by: Marqueta | August 26, 2013 at 07:15 PM
$20.00!!!! The only thing that I like better than a good deal is telling others about it! Good for you Clarice!
Posted by: Tracy A. | August 26, 2013 at 10:05 AM
Congratulations on your ability to WAIT!
What an inspiration you are. Especially in this world of now-now-now.
Thank you.
Posted by: Tessa | August 26, 2013 at 06:31 AM
It's beautiful Clarice! And that price -- what a deal!!!
Posted by: Thimbleanna | August 26, 2013 at 06:21 AM
It is beautiful and I agree with you, you got a good bargin!!! Dianntha
Posted by: Dianntha | August 25, 2013 at 01:31 PM
Deal of the day and it looks right at home!!
Posted by: Sue Neitzel | August 25, 2013 at 11:17 AM
Wow! Now THAT is a deal! I like how it looks as is. :) Great find, Clarice!
Posted by: Theresa | August 25, 2013 at 11:10 AM
I love it! good deal, too.
Posted by: Thea | August 25, 2013 at 10:37 AM
It's a perfect fit! What an amazing price, too!
Posted by: Jessica | August 25, 2013 at 09:48 AM
Oh my goodness, Clarice! The deal of the century! :) Congrats and that's great advice about waiting for just the right deal. Blessings, Debra
Posted by: Debra | August 25, 2013 at 09:21 AM
It looks great.
Posted by: Linda | August 25, 2013 at 09:12 AM
Thumper you stay away from the rollers and legs you little rabbit! Hi Rabbit!
Posted by: Jill | August 25, 2013 at 06:41 AM
What a great table! What a great price!
I love the scale, fits perfectly. Rollers too.
Meant to be in your home I believe.
Posted by: Jill | August 25, 2013 at 06:38 AM