Tasha Tudor
July 27, 2012
Hey, hey, just a reminder that Tasha Tudor day is in a month!!! I have a yummy idea to share. As I ask every year, please help me get the word out. Post on your blog, FB wall, tweet and tell your friends. Feel free to use this image if you want. My hope is each year more and more Tasha lovers find out about Tasha Tudor day. Thank you xox
Also I am thrilled to announce the pilot chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society. I think this is a brilliant idea for people like me who live so far away and may never get to visit the museum. Also a fun way to meet other Tasha lovers. I hope this idea takes off and more chapters open. Here is the press release, also where you can purchase tickets.
Pilot Chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society
for the greater Pennsylvania area
The Tasha Tudor Museum of Brattleboro, Vermont, is pleased to announce the launch of a pilot regional chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society. You are invited to attend its opening tea party and enjoy refreshments from Tasha Tudor’s Cookbook while sharing your enthusiasm for Tasha Tudor. Those interested will also discuss forming a Pennsylvania chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society in order to celebrate and promote Tasha’s life, work and lifestyle.
Your hostess, Museum volunteer Peggy Yoder, has been a Tasha Tudor aficionado for over 38 years. A mother, grandmother and retired educator, Peggy invites you into her home for love of all things Tasha.
Soon after Tasha passed away in 2008 at the age of 92, Tudor fans launched an online celebration to take place on Tasha’s birthday, August 28th. The blogger behind this movement, Clarice of Storybook Woods, says “Really I would love it if the whole world would stop and remember her. This could simply be sitting in your garden with a cup of tea, reading her books, doing a sketch or just stopping to smell the roses. On Tasha Tudor’s birthday, let us all remember her and how she has inspired us to live.”
Tickets $5
Seating is limited; please purchase your tickets online by August 21.
What: Meeting of the Pilot Chapter of the Tasha Tudor Museum Society
When: Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 at 2 pm
Where: 8467 William Penn Highway (Rte. 22), Huntingdon, PA 16652 (30 miles south of State College, PA) Be sure to note that Huntingdon Valley is another, separate town in Pennsylvania. This event is being held in Huntingdon, not Huntingdon Valley.
Who: Sponsored by the Tasha Tudor Museum of Brattleboro, Vermont
Why: For love of Tasha Tudor
For more information please call the Museum 802-258-6564 or Peggy at 814-599-9910
Hi! I'll be going to the Tasha Tudor Birthday Celebration in Huntingdon. I live in Frederick, MD, and am hoping someone else is going from Maryland and would like to ride with me. You can contact me at enewsgilley(at sign)comcast.net. Also, I was able to go on the House/Garden tour in June and visit the museum. You can see my pictures of the museum at my Blog: http://cathy-morningmusings.blogspot.com/2012/07/dare-to-dream.html
Posted by: Cathy Schultz | July 31, 2012 at 02:45 PM
Unfortunately, my trip to VT in a few weeks will be very limited - I'd hoped to get to the museum!
Posted by: Tracy | July 31, 2012 at 04:08 AM
Dear Clarice,
Another year, come and gone! May this be the best Tasha Tudor Day ever. Thanks for the heads up.
Posted by: Marqueta | July 30, 2012 at 08:39 AM
Another year I participate in the celebration.:)
I love Tasha Tudor, a great woman.
Posted by: Jorgelina | July 28, 2012 at 12:13 PM
Clarice --- I really hope you are able to attend the birthday celebration in Pennsylvania!!!!!
Posted by: lateadah | July 28, 2012 at 11:04 AM
I think it's neat that you spearheaded the Tasha Tudor Day, Clarice! Maybe one day we'll see the day marked on calenders and see Hallmark cards in the stores!
Posted by: Gumbo Lily | July 28, 2012 at 08:44 AM
Wow - Tasha Tudor Day is fast upon us. :) Did I tell you that I am hoping to go to the museum in Brattleboro in the fall??? I can't wait!!!! :) xoxo
Posted by: Theresa | July 28, 2012 at 07:29 AM
Wow, has it really been a YEAR?
Posted by: Brenda@Coffeeteabooksandme | July 28, 2012 at 05:34 AM