My famous smoked paprika rub!!
Girl Interrupted or How Can One Be on Both Sides of the Road?


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Hi Clarice!

Your sweet daughter is as talented as her mom! I cried when I read her story - very touching.



The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Like mom like daughter. Chloe is a talented writer! Thank you for sharing her post. :)


Dear Clarice,

You have a wonderful writer there! Wonder where she gets it? ;)




I read Chloe's wonderful story yesterday and was so frustrated as I tried and tried to comment on it! Not only is the writing wonderful... the experience itself was so important! Life would be unbearable if the evil spirits loosed on this earth were the victors. All we have to do is call out and our loving Father has legions of Angels doing battle for us... Chloe was blessed by a message sent through a dream. Keep calling Chloe, and marvel at the answers.

Blessings, Debbie


a nod to your lovely book, which has just arrived over on my blog today, lovely lady.
off to read chloe's work xx


Aw, you must be so proud!

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