Maire Claire Paper Runner
My Job Is To Sprinkle Glitter On The Reindeer Oats!

Wren Bay Stuff!!


Well it is the new year and like, 120 something days since I published Wren Bay, the story of making a home, the response has been overwhelming to me. Wren is selling well, readers are banding around the word sequel (I am playing, we will see. I will say I have been doing a lot of research about Provence), a shop back East will start selling Wren (I will let you know when) and everyone is just plain supportive. So thank you,  thank you.

BUT I have a favor to ask you readers. If you have read Wren, would you consider writing a review in my Lulu shop. Scroll down to the bottom of the page (click on the link) and you can leave a review. I really need reviews!This is the part of Wren I do not like. Trying to get the word out about the book, uggggg. Also if you have/do write a review about Wren on your blog, let me know, I will post a link.Thank you.

If you are having any problems ordering my book, e-mail me I will help in any way (I do have a few copies on-hand right now). I still have bookplate I can sign and send if you want one (info at the top of the blog). By the way if you have ordered Wren, I would not know. I cannot see who buys my books, only what has sold. So do not assume I know you have purchesed Wren and would love to hear who has bought my book. Well I think that is it for now. I am hoping to do a few give a-ways on other blogs soon. Lastly let me leave you with Wren and Devlin's song while he was away at war, Winter Song by Sarah Bareilles.

PS the image above is how I picture Madam Mimi and Benard ( pronounced Ben-yard) on thier honeymoon!!!



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Well, I didn't win the book on Manuela's blog, but I did purchase it from Lulu this morning!!! Can't wait to read it!

Gumbo Lily

Lovely winter song. Best wishes with spreading the news of your book.



Wonderful Clarice!
And that song...
So cute! My daughter just shared it with me the other day and now I see it here...adorable!
Thanks for sharng!


How exciting that you are spreading Wren to other audiences! A bookstore? How fab is that?! I am sooooooooo proud of you!




It is wonderful news that your book is selling well Clarice.

I have enjoyed reading my copy, very much, and think it is written in a way that reminds me so much of books written in the late 1800's and early 1900's. It is lovely and old fashioned.


I love this photo!

Continued success to you and Wren!
Love, Angie

The Pleasures of Homemaking

That song is perfect!! I'm so happy for your success with Wren and a sequel would be so much fun! I'll pop over later to lulu to leave a review. I would love to give away a copy of your book on my blog!


Carissa Stella's Apron Strings

Hi Clarice... I love your name!

I have not read Wren Bay yet, but hope to soon after my Mama does. She ordered it from you a few months back. Looking forward to it as I have flipped through the pages and it seems so charming!!!

Happy New Year!
Love Carissa


I'm so excited for you and all your success with Wren! Here's hoping this is the beginning of a whole series of books and anew passion :)

flutterby patch

Hi Clarice, I haven't been around for a while and my goodness I see you've been so busy as always...where do you find the time? Sounds like your book is doing really well, that's fantastic, congratulations. Wishing you and the family lots of success and happiness in 2011. Eli x

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