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June 2010

Mason Jar Light Fixture


Woo-hoo, look what my talented hubby made me. Auberne` showed me a mason jar light and I loved it. So I found a tutorial on making one. I have been wanting a new light fixture for the shoe-room and think this is perfect. I will say David did not do it the way the tutorial says. He bought all the parts separate and did his own thing. It cost $15.00 and hold a 60 watt bulb. Not bad. I could see a row of these in a kitchen !!!



Tweet Inspiration


Well life is unexpectedly crazy. Hubby last minute got a week off. It has been cold, gray and rainyyyy but we are still trying to enjoy our week. So I am behind on photos for my next post. I hope you do not mind me sharing some tweet inspiration. I love birds and anything to do with them. I hope they inspire you.

Thank you again for praying for Logan. I am happy to report last week Logan was moved to an intermediate Care Nursery. He is making improvements. But sadly he is having more seizures. At this point I have no more info. but I promise to share more as I do.

I hope you are have a (s)-tweet week xoxox


Sorry, I forgot to save where I got this picture from. I know it is a wedding blog. If you happen to knnow, please let me know. 

From inspirco



a bushel and a peck 


Make a wire cage

Menu Of The Week

Powder boxxxx

My mother and I have been having so much fun making different mayos and dressings with our blender stick. It is sooo dang easy. She told me about a roasted garlic and blue cheese dressing she made, I was drooling. Being salad season right now, I wanted to make an entree salad highlighting this dressing. I have to say this salad and a bowl of Chloe's ice cream (which we are living on) was delish and a perfect summer dinner.

Do you like my latest find, it is a powder box? It is quite big, I love the bright colors. We are having our father's day today. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I will up-date you on baby Logan next post xoxo


Blue Cheese Salad


tomatoes, cubed

bell pepper, I like orange, sliced into thin slices

roasted chicken, shredded into pieces

roasted garlic

Red onion, thinly sliced

my mothers roasted garlic blue cheese salad dressing

extra blue cheese

You could mix this all onto one big bowl or make composition salad, where you put the spinach on a plate and arrange the veggies and chicken over then top. Then drizzle with dressing and top with extra blue cheese and roasted garlic.


Fresh Herb Muffins

Chloe's Espresso Ice Cream

1 cup cold half/half or  whole milk

1 cup cold heavy cream

1/2 cup coco powder

1/2 cup evaporated cain or sugar

1 TBL. instant espresso powered

Whisk all together. Do not worry if all the coco powder does not whisk in, it will mix in while it is in the ice cream machine. If using electric machine pour into machine and run 1/2 hour. Should be fairly firm, transfer to container and set in fridge.

Please Pray For Baby Logan

Baby Logan 024
Hello dear readers, I never ask for prayers but a long time, dear friend of mine needs lots of prayers right now. Her beautiful grandson, Logan was born on Sunday.  An emergency C-section was performed but baby Logan was delivered without a pulse.  Resuscitation efforts went on for 15 minutes with no response. 

Logan was without oxygen for at least 15 minutes.  It could have been up to 24 minutes.

He is a beautiful, 8 lb 8 oz, baby.  He's well filled out and physically healthy and lovely.  His heart and lungs seem to be strong and functioning well, but there is brain damage.  He is currently on a cold cap and will be until Thursday.  On that day they'll do brain function scans.

We are all praying for a miracle. Please hold Logan up in your prayers. Thank you xoxo

Kitchen Gadgets I Actually Use


LOL, I have still not had my mothers day (I am waiting for a nice weekend, so we can go hang out on the beach and have tapas, that may not be till next summer ;-) but I did get my mothers day gift. I confess I am addicted to Perri. I adore bubble water and bubbly juice. But even buying flats at Costco, was still pricey. I thought if I could just make my own, well maybe that would work. I did some research and saw that Soadstream got good reviews. I talked with the lady at the cooking shop who has had her's for 4 months and was sold. I have to say after a month, I love SS. The oxygen carriage is huge and it is easy to use. Holds the bubbles well and a littler bottle of bubble water is about  .15 cents !!!! I got the fountain jet, but we do not buy their sodas flavorings. We drink water/juice and are playing with making our own syrups (I will post what we come up with). If you are looking for a soda/bubble water replacement, I recommend Sodastream.

Now I actually rarely buy kitchen gadget's as I have said before. I find I never use them. But my mother was raving about her new blender stick. When she bragged about how she made mayo in like 3 seconds, she had me. I have always struggled making mayo and gave up, because I was wasting soo much olive oil on batches that never thickened. My mother told me she just dumped the ingredients in the cup like the recipe calls for (in the booklet), three or four pulses and wha-la. I have been adding basil leaves,Greek pitted olives, lemon peel, sun-dried tomatoes, ect (not all at once ;-) and make the most yummy mayo. Take a bit of the mayo and thin it with some vinegar and bit more oil and you have a fantastic salad dressing. If you have a Costco, check it out. They have even a better deal then Amazon.

Well I am not sure if you would call these a gadget but Angie and I were talking about how we are trying to get rid of our plastic containers. She got an amazing deal at Costco (got to love Costco). A box of 9 glasslock containers for $29.00, killer deal. I bought two boxes and am saving one for when my first set breaks.

While I am at it, two other gadgets I can not like without is my ice cream maker so I can make amazing blueberry sour cream ice cream (ANOTHER Costco deal, they should be paying me for this post) and my microplane (I do my garlic with it). I am lost without them. SO what gadget can you not live without ???????

PS. I loved this seating area Katillac Shack posted last year. You should check out the whole kitchen. Lots of fun ideas.

Coco Chanel Inspired Candle


In Wren Bay, I tried to weave into the story all these bits and bobs of subjects that I am passionate about. Fashion and Coco Chanel, is one of the subjects. I did a lot of research (which was so much fun), so you could say I've had Coco Chanel on my mind and after all that research, I wanted to add a bit more Chanel to my home.

While checking out the coolest fabric store on earth Esther's, for Chanel inspiration, I noticed they had a large selection of trim and FOE (fold over elastic) for making your own lingerie. What I think is soo cool about this stuff, is it is stretchy. Just think about it, cut a length, tack (sew) the ends together and you have a rubber band with pretty trim.  There are a ZILLION uses for rubber bands.

Here I just took a French jam jar, wrap some trim around it and added a candle. I plan to make more of these for my kitchen window. So check out your trim/ribbon aisle, who knows what inspiration there is xoxo

PS, I noticed at Etsy, if you search lingerie trim, there is a bunch of stuff. Have fun.
