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Outdoor Washing Station

Washing station 

I am always looking for ways to make the most of what I already have. I am blessed with a beautiful piece of property and feel sometimes I do not make the most if it.  I have been so inspired by Mary Jane Farm, (her mag is been soooo good lately, hasn't it ? ) and her outdoor kitchen. I am not ready (nor can I afford to) set up an outdoor kitchen but I like the idea of a summer kitchen. I also like the idea of using my property more. In WA we have so much rain that when it is nice outside you want to take advantage of it.

I decided to set up an outdoor washing station. I just keep an old enamel bowl filled with water and a dishtowel. When it gets dirty I throw the water on my veggies and fill it up again. Yesterday, I took out a cutting board, cut all my vegtables, rinsing everything right there. I am loving it! I am thinking if I can find a cheap utility sink, I might set it up with a hose and have a outdoor sink. A nice, simple (meaning cheap  ;-) use of my outdoor space.

Thank you by the way for all the feedback on my banner. You readers are so sweet! I took what you said, what I loved and what worked and tweaked it. I am still not sure. So you might find that things keep changing for a bit, we will see xox


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What I love is that you have listed MONTHLY accomplishments- just what I love, a flexible but moving agenda.
Thanks so much for sharing, I love your blog!

Bertha M. Potts

Where can I buy the water basins? I need around 43 of them for the churches in my district?


What a great idea! I plan to set up a hand washing station for our next outdoor gathering with friends and family.

Junie Moon

This is such an amazingly wonderful idea. It looks so fabulous. I'd love to try that here but Tucson's arid climate would dry up every drop of the water in 10 minutes. But, I'll keep this marvelous idea in mind when we move back east 'cause I love it so.


What a great idea Clarice, we have an old (stoneware) sink and if I can find a plug to fit it I might give your idea a try.

The Pleasures of Homemaking

I too am a huge admirer of MJ! Did you see her spread in Victoria - oh my!!

This is such a sweet idea! I'm sure you're really going to enjoy using it!



What a lovely idea, Clarice!! Love that blue table also!!

Sweet Cottage Dreams

I love your washing station and new look on your blog! Your living room is so peaceful and feminine. Can I live at your house?



Great idea Clarice. I love that you come up with these fun, cool, and cheap as you call it ways to enjoy life.
I would love an outdoor kitchen, complete with a pizza oven. I doubt if that is going to happen, but it's fun to think about.
Enjoy your weekend and the great outdoors.



I love using enamel basins. I mix all most all my products in them.
What a lovely idea to have the washing station outside and makes so much since.

I agree too, so often we don't utilize the precious outdoor spaces we have.

I bet you'll be filling up the bowl with fresh berries!

Have a great weekend.

Jill xoo


After watching 1900 house, pioneer house and Colonial daughter has been wanting to wash some clothes in that fashion outside.... During the Summer would be fine...yet, that is a lot of work to do it always in that way.Being in WA ... I know all too well how that was... so take advantage of the nice weather while doing it...I found a cute clothes pin bag shared on Jennifer Murphy's blog... easy to make and really cute and practical to hold your clothespins.. I wanna make one..Havea Happy day..Mica

Gumbo Lily

That enamel wash pan looks exactly like mine. I use it ALL the time and it serves us well for a huge bowl of popcorn! I like your outdoor wash station.



Dear Clarice,

MaryJane would be proud of your wash station! You should email pictures to her; she'd probably publish them in a future issue of the magazine.

I would really love an outdoor living area, too, but we have no shade trees big enough to make it not miserable here! Hopefully we move soon, so we can be little MaryJaneites, too :) .


Oh great, now I NEED to order a subscription to Mary Jane... ;-)

What a cute and clever idea.


We always do this when camping--what a great idea to do at home as well!
And, love your new banner.


Dear Clarice,

Oh yes, Mary Jane's magazine is so beautiful and inspiring! I love what you have done. You are so creative and inspiring! The whole vignette is absolutely charming, and a wonderful way to enjoy being out of doors when your weather allows! Thank you for sharing!

Love, Paula

Sharon D.


You have the most inspiring ideas :) I love your wash station, it's so charming!

I love Mary Janes too, she has so many great ideas. My husband recently found a large, vintage sink that was being tossed! (similar to the one Mary Jane uses for her outdoor kitchen).I can't wait until he can set it up for me alongside a potting bench for a wash station too!

Have a blessed day and thanks for sharing :)



Clarice, I love the looks of your outside washing station but it is so hot here that when I am outside I want to be in the pool...LOL.
We need has been many weeks since we have had a shower and although this is good for the wheat harvest that is going on right now, it isn't so good for all our new trees that we planted this spring....It looks so shady where you are...I would love to come and join you today. Dianntha


Dear Clarice,

What a nice idea. We have a utility sink outside, but so far it is only my hubby that uses it to wash off paint brushes and his hands. Maybe I need to redo the sink area and take it over - lol!! ;)



Oh dear me, I must get out more :)! What I've been missing... Unfortunately, I don't get a whole lot of time to go blog jumping and I have missed out on so much dear one! I will be back...
Thank you so much for your dropping by the cottage... I love your new wash station, how fun and pretty!
XOX ~ Madai


I actually did that too! I bought a brand new utility sink WITH FAUCET at a garage sale for $10. I can hook the hose right to it! I makes so much sense to leave the veggie dirt outside.
Now I am looking for a clawfoot bath tub for an outdoor bath for my farm stay. Everyone wants an arm and a leg for those tho! :-(



Cute idea..
I love the color of the blue table with the wash pan.


This looks so charming, and it is exacty what I do when we are at our cabin :-)

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