Mini Pantry
Valentine Tree

Candy Cane Syrup

Candy Cane syrrrrup 

I am always looking for ways to cheer up the cold days of January. In keeping with using what I already have around my house, I have been brain storming a way to use up all those candy canes I have leftover for my Christmas decorating. I came up with a candy cane syrup and am quite thrilled with it. It is simple and taste just like a candy canes. The syrup is wonderful in things like hot chocolate, over ice cream and I will share a recipe using the syrup soon. My mom asked me why I just did not use peppermint extract. But to me candy canes even though they are peperminty, have a very different taste. Maybe it is that spun sugar. The candy canes also color your syrup a pretty pinky/red color. I just love this kind of simple, fun, new ways to use what you have ideas. 

I just simply painted some swirly red strips on the cork and think it would make a lovely gift to someone who need a bit of cheering up this time of year xoxoxox

Candy Cane Syrup

1 cup sugar

1 cup water 

3 candy canes, broken in large pieces

In a sauce pan add all three ingredients. Simmer on medium heat, till sugar and candy canes have melted. Let cool and store in fridge in a glass jar. Will keep about one month.

*Note. Do not decrease the amount of sugar or you will not have the viscosity you want. Just always remember with simple syrups, equal amount of water to sugar !!!


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thank you!i didnt wanty to buy pepperment extract, since like many have candy canes in the house.

Simone Williams

I used this as an extra flavoring for a cheesecake I did for work and it turned out so great! I gave everyone a link to your recipe that had an interest in doing this at home! Thank you :D

Tim TenClay

Just found your recipe - THANKS, it's wonderful!

A friend of mine thought it sounded good in scones, so I thought I'd see what I could do -- here's the recipe if you're interested:

Heather Lynne

Great recipe! We tried it & it was delicious! I blogged about it & linked to you here:


I would love to make this but only have mini candy canes! About how many do you think you would use for this recipe?


Thanks for the recipe! I want to make peppermint syrup for coffees but I don't want to send 5 bucks on extract. This is perfect!


This is such a sweet idea! Now I have to go scrounge up some candycanes.


Oh, yum! I was looking for things to do with left over candy canes. I mentioned this on Facebook. One of my readers shared your recipe. I shall forever be indebted to her and you. Thanks! Striping the cork... brillant!


I gave bottles of this syrup to relatives on Christmas. Everyone loved the idea, and the syrup - esp. on vanilla ice cream! Thanks.


We made a batch of this and have enjoyed it for several evenings over ice cream. Now my husband is experimenting with it to make the perfect Candy Cane Martini. :)


This looks awesome! I don't particularly love candy canes, but I do like peppermint flavored coffees and hot chocolates. This is a perfect way to repurpose candy canes that inevitably end up uneaten in my house. Thank you!


Thank you for your tasty recipe! I made this for some friends of mine, and put them in cute glass jars I found at CostPlus. What a great homemade Christmas present this made!


Just wanted to let everyone know - I just made this and it came out so great - and for some cheap bottles I went to the 99cents store and actually was able to pick up syrup dispensers for $1.09 each - and they worked perfectly!


Bah! I love this idea. I'll definitly have to try it.


Looks great! I was searching for flavored syrup recipes to include with my mug/knit mug cozy/homemade chocolates/homemade drink mixes gift sets this year. How perfect is this!! Any suggestions on where to find good (*read*: Cheap) little bottles? I've been stashing away old olive oil, vinegar, and other small bottles all year, but I think this needs a smaller bottle....

Sunny Chauncey

oh yummy!! Simple ingredients too. My husband and I love to melt candy canes into our hot chocolate... bet this way would taste excellent too!!! I dont have any glass bottles though.


What a neat idea. Thanks!


I love the recipe! I just so happen to have one box of candy canes left. I'll have to save a few and add this to the monthly menu.


I found you via Crafty Crow. This looks great! I have a friend who's hubby is going through chemo right now and I was looking for a peppermint-y something I could make for him. I think this is just the thing, since he can add it to whatever he wants. (I was going to try to make ice cream, but it's been kinda chilly here and ice cream just didn't seem right).

Thanks for sharing!


OOOOOhhh, what a wonderful blog to stumble upon! via Spoon Full of Sugar... This is fantabulous! Isnt' it just wonderful we have all these blogs? Something so simple, but never heard of before, and so great!


I am also coming from the Crafty Crow. What a yummy looking syrup! Thanks for the idea!


Hi :) I am visiting from the Crafty Crow - what a super idea! Thanks so much, Q

Kelly O.

about how many mini candy canes do you think you would need? I have no large ones but have plenty of mini ones!!
p.s. this is a great idea!

Katie at Listmaker's Life

What a fun idea. We will have to try this with our left over candy canes. Thanks for sharing!

Ann at mommysecrets

Great idea - I bet it also makes great peppermint mochas with a bag of hot cocoa mix and a cup of coffee!


What a brilliant idea!! Fortunately I have some candy canes on hand to make this tomorrow.

sew funky

That looks like a fantastic way to use up leftover candy canes! :)


How funny that I stumbled across you're great idea this morning! We love peppermint ice cream, but of course, it's only available for a short time each year. So, last night, I decided I could make some using smashed up left over candy canes -- just stir them into some vanilla ice cream, right? Nope, the candy cane bits were way too crunchy and just didn't blend well. So now I am running off to the kitchen to make your syrup for our ice cream tonight. Thanks so much for sharing your idea!


What a wonderful idea and it's so pretty, too!


What a great idea. I took all my candy canes to work for the "free to a good home" table. Next year, I'm keeping them! Thanks for the recipe!


Dear Clarice,
My Bloglines account is not listing your new posts...and I have missed so many! I will be catching up,

Aunt Amelia's Attic

I love the look of it!

Being so pretty and sweet and red, it could go with Valentine's Day also. :-)

Aunt Amelia
"Blue evening had fallen...over the great pallid slopes. ...the peaks of snow were rosy, glistening like transcendent, radiant spikes of blossom in the heavenly upper world... ~~D.H. Lawrence


I love this idea!
Unfortunately I have no more candy canes left over(kids) but I would certainly love to try this.
Thanks for sharing!


oh this sounds so good.
could you come up with a recipe using *peeps*?


WoW what a great idea!

karla nathan

That would never have occurred to me at all! But what a great idea, and such a pretty thing to have around.

Sharon D.

Great idea Clarice :) I just happen to have a few candy canes in the cupboard. Looks like I will need to buy some ice cream:)

One thing we have done with candy canes is finely crush them into a powder and mix with homemade whipped cream to put on top of Hot Cocoa. It makes a pretty pink dollop of fluff.

Sweet Cottage Dreams

You are the queen of inventiveness! I love this idea!! Cute cork, too!




What a grand idea!

Jill xoo


You are the most clever lady I know!!!

Gumbo Lily

I love the bottle of candy cane peppermint, but what will you use it for? Would you pour it over cakes, ice cream? I'm curious.


Junie Moon

You are the most clever person on the planet. What an innovative recipe. You know, I just gained 3.5 pounds reading your delicious post, must go walking now to work it off.

Lavender Dreamerl

That sounds incredible! My sister was looking for a recipe like this...I'll pass it on! THANKS!


Hi Clarice, Just wanted to let you know I've tagged you for a 6th Picture Meme. If your interested in more info please stop by my blog.

Ravenhill Cottage

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