Orange Chocolate Muffin
Thankful Ornament

Gift Inspirations



I have been looking for gift ideas. These are all ideas I am considering. If I only had more hours in a day. Thank you for the creative inspirations ladies  xoxoxoxo

Bulb forcer

Bulb Forcer - Farm Chicks


Ragamuffin Garland-Nesting Place

Silhouette ornament

Silhouette ornament - A Soft Place to Land


Eiffel Tower Washcloth - Knitting Heaven On Earth


Ribbon Wreath (in red)-The Long Thread

Chai mix- Craft Schmaft

Knitted Mug Cozy

Knitted Cup Cozy - Homespun Living


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Gumbo Lily

These are cute ideas. I like the "knitty" things, but that's sad for me cuz I don't knit.


Jean Tuthill

Great ideas! Thanks for sharing all the links for these wonderful gifts.


Hi Clarice~ What wonderful ideas! Especially this year with everyone (I know at least) being carefully limiting their Holiday spending. You always have such terrific posts.


What wonderful things….
Back in the day when I was more organized and only had one child. I would start making my Christmas gifts in Sept. and even at that I was always finish something right up to the end…



Fun ideas Clarice!
Thanks for visiting me, and for the good vibes for my sink to arrive.


Dear Clarice,
Thank you so much for sharing all these links for these beautiful handmade gifts!

Love, Paula

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