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karla nathan

I've always had paints ready for visiting little kids to paint rocks outside on nice days. I can't wait for my grandbaby to paint with me this summer. Aren't rocks a fun canvas?


oh....I love these....I could use a few ...maybe need to get out the paint..maybe we should have a rock swap.

Gumbo Lily

These are really cute!
I still have some painted rocks in my garden that the kids painted years ago.... a couple of lizards, a frog and pansies.



Oooh, pretty! My piXies will love this project. ThanX for sharing the idea and fun links. As always, you and the girls did a fab job on yours.


Those are lovely. It's amazing how each child's taste comes out in their arts and crafts. That's one of my favorite things to see and those rocks are a wonderful example.


The rocks are adorable and a nice creative outlet for children. I think it's great that there are blogs that promote family activities together like the one you shared with us.


I love painting on rocks. My Mom used to paint beautiful flowers on large river rocks and we use for door stops.

I still have the rocks setting around here and there throughout the house. One is in the bathroom, and after Mom passed away, I noticed one day something was written on the bottom... Remember Me!

It's a special rock that I'll forever have.

Jill xo


A childrens craft blog sounds like a really great idea.


Wow, those came out great Clarice! Each one is so unique - you have very talented girls :)

Chris and Laurie

The rocks look like alot of fun to make. What a great mothers day gift for a mother or grandmother that has a garden.


Cool blog! Thanks for the link.


How cool (er, I mean hot). They are wonderful!!


You always find the coolest blogs! Thanks for sharing--I'm bookmarking this one to have some fun with the kiddos!

Mary Issabella

Those are sooo cute I am going over to it now...Mary

the feathered nest

What a cute craft! They look so pretty in the sunshine!


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