Vintage At The Sewing Expo

Radish Salad


I am always looking for interesting, yet simple salads. I really enjoyed this salad, especially with something like a simple roasted chicken. I have always loved Deborah Madison and learned so much from her over the years. She now has a blog !!!!

I also love this recipe because I remember having Vella's dry jack and it is favorite. I rarely have it now but still remember being a teen in beautiful Sonoma plaza and trying this salty, nutty, amazing cheese.

Deborah Madison's Radish Salad

Serves 6

The Vella family's Dry Jack cheese from Sonoma County in California is one of our national food treasures. It's increasingly possible to find nationwide, but if you can't get your hands on some, use Parmigiano-Reggiano. This is a very pretty, bright, and lively little salad. You can stray successfully from its utter simplicity by adding some freshly blanched and peeled fava beans, radish sprouts, or very small arugula leaves.

2 bunches breakfast radishes or mixed varieties, including small daikon
2 tablespoons thinly sliced chives
   olive oil, as needed
2 to 4 ounces Dry Jack or Parmigiano-Reggiano
  salt and pepper
  radish sprouts, leaves, or arugula greens, optional

  Set aside a handful few of the most tender radish greens. Trim the radish roots, leaving just a bit of the stem, and wash them well. Wick up the excess moisture with a towel, then thinly slice, either lengthwise or crosswise. Put them in a bowl and toss with the chives, radish greens, and enough oil to coat lightly.

Put the radishes on a platter, shave the cheese over them, and add pepper and the optional greens, if using.

PS. I will announce the winner and a new book on Thursday xoxoxo


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I'm in love with your beautiful flower arrangement, the simplicity is SO beautiful!!
xo Kali


Memories of home, I am from Sonoma County as well.


Sounds like a good one Clarice!!


Hi Clarice!

Would you believe I was looking for a great radish recipe just this morning? Then I come visit you and there it is ~ the perfect one! Thanks for posting this!

Smiles...Bebe :)

P.S. Love listening to Louis do his thing on your music player!!



I love the table scape!
My Mom used to make radish salad, and I always liked it.

Jill xo

Elaine L.

The salad sounds really good. Who knew you could make a salad from radishes.

I haven't been to Sonoma in years, but it used to be one of my favorite places when I was fist married.



I can't "do" radish (same with cukes). As my dad would say "they repeat on me." giggle. I love your little jars. I adore miniature bouquets. There is nothing sweeter.

Gumbo Lily

What a pretty, flowery table!
And the Radish Salad sounds yum-O!


Great recipe! I love my Deborah Madison cookbook! She has great ideas, always!

The flowers are so refreshing and beautiful.

Enjoy a lovely day! Your house look springy and inviting. Mine, on the other hand, is floating in sheet rock dust! It's quite bad, believe me! LOL!

:) LaTeaDah

the feathered nest

What pretty containers for your flowers! Another great recipe - I'll be sure to keep this as I usually plant radish so this will be a good way to use them up.



Sounds yummy ~ so fresh and Springy! I'm not familiar with Deborah Madison. ThanX for another interesting link to eXplore.

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