China Centerpiece

My Kind Of Ice-cream Float !!!


If you have not had Lindemans' Framboise Lambic, you have not lived baby !!!! Imagine this very fres, intense raspberry, lightly sweet, very sight beer aftertaste. It is brilliant. Although my hubby is a home-brewer, so I am bit swayed. I do not drink soda (it is to sweet for me) so Lindemans' is like soda to me. My girlfriends who are not big beer drinks, love this. Well for New Years eve David and I made floats with just some good vanilla bean ice cream. Words, fail me, all I can say is it is love. Long, lasting, permanent kind of love. To my CM ladies, next party, we have to make these. I wish you all could have some with us !!!!!!



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Gumbo Lily

I don't know about Lambic, but it looks *Yum-o-licous*



Lucky you to have your own personal soda jerk (isn't that what they called them way back when!). That color is beautiful. And that polka dot table cloth, oohlala!


I've not heard of this before but it looks and sounds so delicious. I see in your comments that Carolyn has seen this product in Trader Joe's so I'll check there.


Mmmmm...nummmy! I love lambic.


Yummy, Yum, Yum!
Love the polka-dot cloth too!

Jill xo

It's almost too pretty to drink ~ notice I said "almost!" LOL


This is new to me, but it sure looks pretty and sounds good too. Linda

Donna O.

You're killing me!!! That looks beautiful! Diet? What diet!
(Hey, we're having YOUR kind of weather today!!Scary!)


Sounds great (I'm not a soda drinker either),I will have to keep an eye out for it!



Sounds pretty great Clarice!!
I haven't tried it before. I wonder if you can get that brand here?


I am not a carbonated beverage drinker. For some reason I have never liked bubbles; it saves me a lot o $$on champagne, don't you know. This sounds quite tasty though. I may have to find a bottle and try it.

Keep warm and snuggly in the storm.


seems like I may have seen this at Trader Joe's so I'll have to try it as soon as this storm blows over! YUM.

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