Christmas Card Exchange
Snowflake Tags


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Shirley W

I have read all of the Beatrice Potter books to my children. My library carries your books so I am able to read yours as well.



Thank you so much for sharing! What wonderful stories and tales!! We will hop on over to see more!!

kari & kijsa

Thank you so much for sharing this. I just finished this wonderful book! I will be buying the rest of these!



I love Beatrice Potter and Susan's books are the sweetest. Linda

Gumbo Lily

Thank you for sharing this blog tour with us. What fun! I've been a Beatrix Potter fan for forever, but it was you, Clarice, who introduced me to Susan Wittig Albert and I thank you for that!

XXOO ~Jody

the feathered nest

Thanks so much for the link. I'm going to read the guest post now.



Thanks Clarice!! I loved Miss Potter the movie. Now we can learn even more.


Thank you so much for sharing this--I'm going to click on the link now and read/enjoy everything.

Sher's Creative Expressions

*sigh* Beatrice Potter. . . my FAVORITE. Loved to read those books to my girls (and someday I hope to read them to my grandbabies too).



Susan P.

Clarice, this was sooo much fun! I thoroughly enjoyed reading all about Miss Potter's life and am looking forward to reading Susan's books!

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