A Highland Toffee Hello
June 11, 2007
Hello ladies, you are all so kind and left such encouraging words. I really appreciated and quite frankly was able to enjoy my little break, since you gave me permission to do it. Thank you xox
Well I played a lot; Medieval fair, grilled oysters on the beach, practice my calligraphy, did a collage, dear hubby has perfected his smoked ribs, had a surprise Hawaiian birthday party for a friend, baked, ect. We finally seem to be bonding with Mayra, the new bunny. She does not like our woods floors. She only hangs out in her cage or the large towel we set in front of it. So I do not (at this point) have to worry about her getting into things around my house. Also isn't my first Abraham Darby rose of the season just dreamy!
I made a new yummy bar cookie, my family is loving. I saw the recipe for these Highland Toffee bars but I wanted to make them a bit healthier. Here are the changes I made and the recipe.
thick rolled oats V. instant oats
rice syrup V. corn syrup (rice syrup is a great sweetener. It has a slight malty flavoring, so it adds to the toffee flavor. Here are two links talking about rice syrup)
bittersweet chocolate V. semisweet
virgin olive oil V. vegetable oil (I buy the oil at Costco and it really does not have much flavor and use it for all my baking. Then I use the extra virgin olive oil for my cooking)
Evaporated cane and 1 TBL. of molasses V. brown sugar
My Highland Toffee Bars
2 cups rolled oats
1/3 cup olive oil or melted coconut oil
1/2 cup evaporated cane or coconut sugar
1 TBL. molasses
1/4 cup rice syrup
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 cup chopped nuts, I like sliced almonds and pecans
1 cup chopped or chips, bittersweet chocolate
Grease a square baking pan.
Pre-heat oven 350˚F. In a sauce pan put oil, sugar, molasses, rice syrup, vanilla and salt. Set over medium heat, cook a minute or two until all is melted and blended. Then add oats and toasted nuts. Pour oats into greased small baking pan or cake pan (I use a 10x110" pan) and smooth out.
Bake for 12 minutes. Pull out of oven. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Wait five minutes and then the chocolate will be melted. Spread chocolate over the top. Allow bars to cool an hour (or enjoy warm and crumbly) before cutting into bars!
Your blog is so pretty! I enjoyed my visit here.
Thank you!
Posted by: cnemom | June 16, 2007 at 06:09 AM
I'm happy you're back Clarice!
These bars so delish!
Posted by: Gumbo Lily | June 13, 2007 at 03:29 PM
Clarice, so glad you're back and that you had a nice break. Thanks for the recipe, sounds yummy!, and thanks for the tip about the olive oil. I like to use healthy oils, but wasn't sure if olive would work for baking. I'm very happy to know it will work!
Posted by: Debbie | June 12, 2007 at 01:06 PM
Clarice, i am so pleased you are back! it sound slike you had a busy week off there!! I have never tried rice syrup, but I've heard it is a wonderful alternative. Grilled oyesters? Medieval Faire?? Tell me more! Glorious Rose there, wow!
Posted by: Sara, The House of Charm | June 12, 2007 at 11:46 AM
What a lovely rose, Clarice! I'll bet it makes you happy just to look at it.
The bars sound terrific. I can't wait to try them! I won't forget the rice syrup next time I see you. Well, okay, so I *might* forget, but I'll try not to. :-)
Welcome back, Clarice!
Posted by: Mary | June 12, 2007 at 12:46 AM
Sound very yummy! I've never seen corn syrup or rice syrup in the shops here. Will golden syrup do? Glad you're back!
Posted by: Isabella in the 21st Century | June 11, 2007 at 11:45 PM
Clarice, you're baaaaaack!!! Yay!! I really missed you and was so happy when Storybook Woods came up on my Bloglines tonight!! Sounds like you had a wonderfully fun and relaxing bloggy break ~ recipe sounds delish and the rose is simply lovely:o)
Posted by: Susan P. | June 11, 2007 at 09:28 PM
I'm so glad you're back! You were missed. As usual, you do more wonderful things with your time than most. I want to be more like that.
Posted by: Dee (www.Xanga.com/GraceatHome) | June 11, 2007 at 04:13 PM
That's an amazing rose and a great recipe...welcome back!
Posted by: Susan | June 11, 2007 at 01:14 PM
Glad you are back to your blog. Sounds like you had a nice break. Your recipe sounds really yummy as usual.
Beautiful flower!
Have a great day,
Posted by: Rosemary | June 11, 2007 at 12:36 PM
Welcome back on line. That rose looks hugh in the picture. The bars sound toally delicious. :-( Sticky Toffee Pudding is a scottish dessert, I believe. Love, Mom
Posted by: Linda | June 11, 2007 at 11:36 AM
Thank you for stopping by. Sounds like you had a wonderful and relaxing time.
This recipe sounds tasty. I've never used rice syrup before but it makes alot of health sense. I'm off to read more about it. Thank you for the tip :)
Posted by: Mrs.E | June 11, 2007 at 10:04 AM
That, supposedly, means something like "appreciation" in Hawaiian : )
Glad you enjoyed your break! Hugs to you and your lovely girls : )
Posted by: Kristin | June 11, 2007 at 09:27 AM
I'm glad you enjoyed your bloggy break.
A great sounding recipe too. Rice syrup, I'm not familiar with it, I will have to check that out.
What a beautiful pink rose!I love the yellow in the bit of yellow in the middle of the blossom. Are those old fashioned roses or a climbing rose?
Enjoy a pink Monday..
Jill 00
Posted by: Jill | June 11, 2007 at 08:08 AM
Welcome back, Clarice! I missed you. The recipe sounds good and we'll definitely try it. BTW, I'm delighted you are using rice syrup! Your rose is beautiful!
Posted by: Abby | June 11, 2007 at 06:22 AM