Cottage of the Month
Creative Love 2

Violet Sugar




It is that time of year when we find the violets peeking up through the ivy. In the spring of the fist year living in this house I noticed little purple flowers popping up. This property is surrounded by lots of ivy and that make it hard to see were the gardens were. I try to keep the ivy back so these little plants will not get lost. I love to think about who planted these and what the garden was like when they planted them. I see there are starting to spread.

We always pick the blossoms and mix them with sugar. The sugar adsorbs the fragrance of the flower. I have learned over the years to store the sugar in zip-lock baggies. Now I know that is not very pretty but the problems with jars is when the sugar hardens you can not break it up. But by keeping it in baggies you can easily break up the sugar. I will just transfer the sugar to a pretty bowl when I want to use it. When I give it as a gift, I do put the sugar in a lovely jar. But tell the recipient I recommend they transfer the sugar to baggie. Ahh spring is in the air !!!



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teresa mcfayden

I am a little envious, I am!! in our area we will certainly have "none of that violet talk" for a few months. Sigh. thanks for sharing yours though! What do you with the violet sugar?



We won't have violets in Missouri until April or May.
I am jealous...
I am happy they are popping there though.
I love sugared violets!
Jill 00


There is nothing better than violets in the Spring! and sugared Violets are pure heaven - what a sweet post - pun fully intended!


Thanks for this post Clarice, I can't wait to try it! I love the picture, it makes me want to stop by and have tea with you:-)

Cherry Menlove

Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I had no idea how to make it. Great advice too!

Cherry xx


Violets are so beautiful.


Violets are so beautiful.


Hi Clarice,
I have violets too. Out by the pond. I haven't checked to see if they are blooming yet, but I will now. Thank you for the idea for violet sugar. I imagine it must smell lovely.


Aww, I love your linens! And thanks for the tip about voilet infused sugar! I learned something new today :)


Sweet! I love violets. Lucky you to be seeing them already.


Teresa Sheeley

I have never heard of mixing blossoms and sugar, what a neat idea! Thanks for sharing your tip.


Country Mouse

Awww, Clarice--I adore the combination of purples and greens so this photo just sings to me : )


I cannot wait until those start popping up in the yard this year! What is that cute tree fabric? tablecloth? towel? underneath the violet?


Oh, real violets! SO EXCITING! We only have snowdrops so far, and my violet leaves aren't even out of the ground, but you give me HOPE!


I have fond memories with violets as well. They use to come up all over my grandmothers yard and in her gravel driveway. We use to get so tickled as a kid to see the delicate and beautiful johnny jump ups in amongs the old hard rocks. I guess we sort of thought there was this hidden garden magic that my grandmother had.

Lindsey @ enjoythejourney

I love violets. My grandmother has a basement where she raises them year round. Everytime I see one I think of her love for violets and it makes me smile.


"I love to think about who planted these and what the garden was like when they planted them."

I love this thought! I'm so happy you do this. It just seems so lovely, and so right.


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