Christmas House Goodies
Book Love

Christmas Banner


This is my Chritmas banner. I am soo thrlled with it. I used the paper below for the back piece and I cut out letters from Allsorts alphabet. I used red crepe paper for the  gathered piece. I just pinched the paper in a circle and glued that onto the back piece and then glued the letter on. I ened up adding each letter onto the ribbon with a paper clip, which worked great. Now I and adjust the length of the garland. These picture do not show how wonderful this banner turned out. It gives a ruffled top to the cabnit. Soon I will show the whole cabnit.


I wanted to share if anyone is on Bainbridge Island this Saturday and Sunday, my friend Angie is having a craft show. She will be selling Waldorf dolls she made, wooden toys her husband made, frankincense, ect. I will be selling my figgy pudding ornaments and the children have made some items also. She lives on Manual Road. There will be a sign on the highway.



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jenny holiday

Ohh I LOVE it!!

Truly lovely!!

Great idea!!

xoxo Jenny

Happy Holidays!


Your banner is very adorable. I like those Santas you have too. Good Luck and Have fun at your craft show.


Beautiful! So nostalgic.


I really like your banner Clarice. I love crepe paper. It's one of my favorite materials to work with.
Your Santas are wonderful! I have a small collection that I will unpack on Friday. I always look forward to it.
Good luck with the sale! Sounds like fun!


That turned out great. I'm printing up the letters. Mom


Your banner is gorgeous!! Wow!


Jennifer Paganellli

wow!! nice job on these letters Clarice, thanks for dropping by my blog earlier
you can stalk all you want...pleasure meeting you keep inspiring!!
Best wishes, Jennifer


Love your banner. Have fun at the craft show.

Leigh Ann

It is so cute! Perfect for the cabinet. I can't wait to get started on ours. You've given me some ideas, as always.


You banner turned out just fantastic!!!!!!



What a wonderful tradition piece for your Christmas collection.
Great Job!
I would imagine you will sell out of your ornaments.

Have fun.

Mary T.

Love you!!


The banner is great, Clarice! They are so much fun to make aren't they? I haven't figured out what I'm doing for my Christmas banner yet; will have to check out Allsorts alphabet. I wish I could visit the craft show ~ good luck!


The banner looks great. The craft show sounds exciting. Good luck to you both.


Lovely banner and good luck at the craft show - hope you will be posting some photographs.

Susan P.

Oh Clarice, I LOVE it!

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