The Burgess Bird Book For Children
August 10, 2006
"I wonder sometimes if you folks who are at home all the time know just what a blessed place home is," replied Jenny Wren. "It is only six months since we went south, but I said it seems ages, and it does. The best part of going away is coming home. I don't care if that does sound rather mixed; it is true just the same. It isn't home down there in the sunny South, even if we do spend as much time there as we do here. This is home, and there's no place like it! What's that, Mr. Wren? I haven't seen all the Great World? Perhaps I haven't, but I've seen enough of it, let me tell you that! Any one who travels a thousand miles twice a year as we do has a right to express an opinion, especially if they have used their eyes as I have mine. There is no place like home, and you needn't try to tease me by pretending that there is. My dear, I know you; you are just as tickled to be back here as I am."
One of the things I love about Charlotte Mason is how she used whole literature to teach facts. I am not a fact person and as a child I though I hated reading (because it was mostly text books). Although being dyslexic did not help. But as a grew up and I realized there were so many ways to learn something beside just reading a list of facts. Good literature can pull you in, tug at your heart strings and make you feel that you are there. You experience something, which is a wonderful way to learn. I have come to look at learning in a whole new light, thanks to Charlotte Mason. It is not just a list of facts, dry and dull. We are very into nature study. I think it is so important to be aware of the world around us and how it works. Chloe is fascinated by birds. How the live, how they build their homes, how they communicate, ect. I am always on the lookout for any whole literature about birds. One of our favorites is Thornton Burgess books. I love his stories but I especially love his series of animal nature stories. These are written in story form but go into much more depth and give lots of facts in a narrative fashion. There is the bird book, animal book, flower book and sea-side book. . Sadly only the bird and animal stories are on-line. They are pricey but I highly recommend them. Between me and two friends we have them all. Even if you do not homeschool or even have children, I think all would enjoy them. Here is the bird book and you can have a look for yourself.
One of the best things about home schooling, is that it introduced me to Charlotte Mason. Just as you said Clarice, I saw learning in a whole new light. We have almost the whole set of Thornton Burgess animal tales [from Dover Publications] son loved them when younger. I read them to him many times over, and eventually he was reading them to himself. I love them as much as he did.
Posted by: Debbie | August 11, 2006 at 08:31 AM
We just finished reading Old Mother West Wind and just loved it! The merry little breezes and their friends are so sweet!! I also LOVE birds and will have to get this book as soon as possible. Thank you for this inspiring post on Charlotte Mason and Nature Study.
Posted by: Kelli | August 10, 2006 at 06:13 PM
That is precious. There's no place like home. Love,Mom
Posted by: Linda | August 10, 2006 at 04:27 PM
What a sensible bird that jenny wren is.
Posted by: littlejennywren | August 10, 2006 at 03:50 PM
Hi Clarice! Just wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog! I hope you and your daughter will create a dollhouse so I can see the progress! :-)
Posted by: Melissa McCobb Hubbell | August 10, 2006 at 02:24 PM
I do believe that this is why my DD has decided on the career path she has in the Animal Sciences. She has been reading animal books and magazines since she could read her first words. (By the way, Clarice, Jane left us a message that we are not to compare our sketchbooks!!)
Posted by: Mary T. | August 10, 2006 at 10:33 AM
Great post!!! Ditto on the living books/literature being the best way for our children to learn. Isn't it amazing the things they pull out and retain when they've read a book they love? And ditto on anything written by Thornton Burgess. The Adventures of Mr. Mocker is a favorite here!
Posted by: Mrs. Linebarger | August 10, 2006 at 08:52 AM