More Nature Sketch Book
And The Winner is

Cupcake Love


Imagine a whole blog dedicated to cupcakes !! I have to say I have been reading about cooking since I was a teenage (a longgggg time). A lot of what I read now, is "been there, done that" for me (although I still love to read about cooking) but this blog was WoW. Like green tea/lavender/honey cupcake above. Inventive, unusual, motivational and got me thinking. I think it is so important to think about cooking, long before you step in the kitchen. You need to be excited and visualize what you want to cook.


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Lover her stuff, to look at anyway. I've never made anything!


I love that website. I've had it bookmarked. what a variety!


Clarice, I do hope that you'll be making these for tea and that you ask me over! WOW, what creativity! What a cool site.

Me? Betty C. and I make them the easy way -- boxed cake mix with homemade frosting.


What a gorgeous cupcake! I will have to check out the site. Thanks Clarice.

Susan P.

I'm on my way over there right now! One look at that cupcake and I'm interested:) Thanks for sharing.


Such beauty! Will have to peek at her site later, but wonder how she did those lovely florets gracing the top of the cupcakes!


Oh my gosh, those have got to be the most creative recipes I've ever seen. I wouldn't know where to start. Are you going to try some? Mom


Oh, how pretty!!! Her Chai Tea cupcakes looks so yummy!!
What a neat blog, thank you for sharing it!

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