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Becky Grundei

I enjoyed the movie Julia and Julie. I thought Meryl Streep did an outstanding job portraying Julia. I also remember Saturday Night Live when Dan Ackroyd portrayed her cutting herself while cutting a fish,it was funny. I vaguely remember her show, I wasn't old enough at the time to want to cook. From watching the movie-that's really all I knew of her personal life,and career,she was an admirable woman. It made me want to try French cooking-maybe for a nano second!


I think she had her faults, as we all do, but she was quite passionate about food and we were the benefactors of that passion. She was ahead of her time in that area and that was what made her so unique. We use to make fun of her voice, but we learned a lot from her. Linda


I agree with you Linda. Comedians don't do justice to a person who worked hard,and were successful at what they did. She was the Food Network,before it even existed!


Becky, What I was thinking when I wrote that last comment was that the movie was an idealized version of Julia Child, but most movies are. I always hate it when I fall in love with a person and then read a biography that shows all the reality, but in Julia's case I saw the real her first so the movie seemed a little unrealistic.

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