Welcome to Storybook Woods, my little corner of the world. I have been blogging over 5 years now and I still love it. I am happily married for over twenty five years to a wonderful man, who puts up with my hair brained ideas. I have two daughters Auberne` (22) and Chloe (17). We have always HSed in a Charlotte Mason/unschool style. I believe if you give children the tools to learn, be an example of the joy of learning and do not try to shove them into a curriculum that does not suit them, they will become the people they were created to be and have a love of learning their whole life. I have written a novel/cookbook Wren Bay and I am working on my second book. I am also the food editor of Gathering Magazine.
I live in a charming 100 year old cottage in the woods with arched door and windows. I love to craft and live to cook. I love having tea parties, knitting, gardening, old children’s books (I have a whole library of them), taking something then making a whole new something out of it and now, thanks to my blog, I can add writing novels. My idea of heaven is on a cool fall day, after a nice walk, to snuggle up next to the woodstove, knit, drink a cup of lavender/rosemary tea and a piece of something yummy, maybe some chocolate too.
Sounds a bit like a fairytale? Well most days it is!
travel, knitting, calligraphy, classical music, wine, homemaking, history, parties, tea, homeschooling, brewing, nature walks, charlotte mason, chocolate., england, old children’s books, susan branch, making bread, entomology, cooking, drawing, sewing, baking, france, decorating, crafting, cozy mysteries, cottages, old building